We have recently changed how the ReZolve CP (control panel) handles mailbox passwords and webmail to enhance the security of the Shared Hosting platform.
You can access your CP here: https://ssl.extendcp.co.uk/login.cgi logging in with your domain and password. If you have forgotten your CP password send an email to support.
- Mailbox passwords will no longer be visible in the CP.
- If a mailbox password has been lost or forgotten, then it will need to be reset from your CP.
- The "Login to WebMail" icon and section in the CP is no longer present for the time being, we may have more details on this in a few days. However you will still be able to click on the mailbox listed in "Mail Boxes" to be taken directly into webmail.
- Please note that ReZolve will not be able to view the password, reset it or have the link to jump into Webmail.
- You will need to log into your CP with your domain and password. Then the ability to reset passwords and also the login link to Webmail in the "Mail Boxes" section will be available.
- If you know the mailbox password but want to change it, then you can actually do this from the front page of our Webmail at https://www.outitgoes.com using the "Change Password?" link under the login form. Enter the current password there, and then the new password twice on the form you are presented with.