Configuring a ZoHo Mailbox using IMAP

Configuring a ZoHo Mailbox using IMAP

ZoHo Lite mailboxes can be loaded onto your device or through your mail client either with a POP3 connection or an IMAP connection.

By using an IMAP connection, you can have multiple clients simultaneously connected to the same mailbox.  For example, you can have email on your phone, your tablet, and your computer, and when you delete a message from your phone, it will also be deleted on your other devices.

The way your device or mail client is designed may be different than how other programs or devices work, with different names for the same steps. Your device or program should have detailed information on how to add and set up mailboxes onto the system, but there are general pieces of information you need to complete the process.

When selecting the account type, select IMAP.

  1. Your User Name is your full email address
  2. Your Password is your mailbox password
Incoming Mail
  1. Incoming IMAP Server:
  2. Incoming IMAP Server Port: 993
  3. Incoming IMAP SSL: SSL
  4. Incoming IMAP Authentication Type: Password
Outgoing Mail
  1. Outgoing Mail Server: (your mail server can also be set to if this has been configured. Contact us for details.
  2. Outgoing Mail Server Port: 587
  3. Outgoing Mail Server SSL: TLS
  4. Outgoing Authentication Type: Password

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