The Date Range modules provides additional, ad hoc reporting of results, either for a contiguous number of months or for a short range of individual days.
Following a recent update, it is no longer necessary to re-enter the details of a Date Range report. These can now be saved and re-used.
Date Range reports are not related to the monthly reporting process in Analysis and Reports, which produce a set of results based on Analysis Sets and store them in the database for later reporting. Instead, Date Range works directly from the Data Forms, calculating results directly and displaying them on screen. This allows reporting on any combination of Analysis Categories, not just those define in Analysis Sets..
There are three tabs in Date Range:
This tab shows the reports that have been created under the currently selected sector showing the Categories being reported on, the date range (based on the currently selected year and month).
Categories - shows the one or two categories used by the report. Any notes added to the report are also shown here.
Selected Reporting Period - shows the date or month range covered by the report as viewed using the currently selected year and month.
Rates - the short codes for the result rates to be included (excluding sample sizes).
Scope - whether the report is for Overall (whole week), Weekend or Weekday.
Dashboard - whether the report is to be included in the dashboard site or not, and whether it is the default report.
From here, use the
Actions to
view or
delete the report.
This tab allows you to change the properties used to define the report.
Master - The main category to be analysed. If this is the only category there will be one row for each Option within that Category. If there a Sub Category has been added then there will be a separate table for each Master Category Option.
Sub - The secondary Category to be analysed. In each table of results there will be a row for each Sub Category Option.
Survey - This will always be the same as the currently selected sector. The only exception is when it is blank to cover multiple sectors but that will only work if all sectors are running using Serviced methodology.
Type - Whether the report is to be based on a set of contiguous months, or a range of dates (contiguous days). For Months reports this is followed by the number of cumulative months to report on (see note below). For Date Range this is followed by a Start Date and End Date, which are inclusive (see note below).
Rates - The results to report on. You can limit the report to just those results that you which to display but sample sizes will always be shown.
Scope - Report on Overall (whole week), Weekend or Weekday.
Profile List - Use a Profile List to filter the profiles that are included in the analysis (see note below).
Note - A short note to help identify the report and its usage.
Options -
- Dashboard: include this report in the Dashboard
- Default: make this the first report to display in the dashboard
- Revenue: calculate NRO for only those forms that include revenue data
- Exclude Covid Closed: don't include any data forms marked as Covid Closed with zero occupancy
This tab runs the report and shows the results as a table or set of tables, depending on the categories selected.
The view tab will display either a single table for the Master Category or a set of tables for each Master Category, with a column for each chosen Rate plus sample sizes.
export - creates a CSV file for the table above which can be opened in a spreadsheet like Excel.
copy to clipboard - copies the table above into the clipboard for pasting into other applications.
When running a report based on a range of days, any data forms that are entered as Totals will be ignored because there is no daily data in them, so the sample for a range of days report will be smaller.
Do not run a day range report on more than 31 days - use a Month report instead.
When reporting on more than one month, the system will calculate occupancy rates based on all the data forms included in those months. It does NOT average out the results for the individual months. Because of weighting and different sample sizes in each month, the results will not be same as calculating an average.
When using a Profile List to filter the profiles included in the report, note that if the Profile List uses a specific year/month then the filtering will be based on that one month and not on the month (or months) that the report is being run for, which will always be based on the currently selected year and month. It is possible to set the Profile List to use the currently select year/month, which will work if the date range report is for a single month but will NOT work for a range of months because it can only filter on a single month.